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Animals Protection UK Version

Innovative projects don’t just exist in the business world, where you have to generate profit. Governments and institutions can also take innovative ideas and apply them in order to improve some aspect of society.
But a problem that needs more and more attention is that of the animal cause. In Brazil alone, there are approximately 30 million dogs and cats on the streets, which is a health issue as well as a social issue. So, with the tools we have available and the technologies becoming more advanced and accessible, why not invest to save the animals?


An NGO from Kansas City (USA) has created a project that intends to raise funds for the production of microchips, which will have to be placed under the skin of animals and then scanned. So the goal is to have a universal scanner, which can detect the chips implanted in lost animals and also find the owners without problems. After all, one of the biggest reasons for the growth of the population of animals on the streets is the escape, which can occur by accident. Thus, there is much less risk of families being separated from their beloved animals.


A group of students from the Social Service of Industry (SESI) in the Federal District created a project for the Robotics Tournament that helps create orthotics for animals that have lost their paws movement. At first, the products were created using iron and wheels, but they have already received support from the University of Brasília (UnB) and are starting to be produced with 3D printers.

The group’s idea was to create a website where people could enter the animal’s measurements and receive the orthosis at home, anywhere in Brazil. The proposal is also to deliver the orthoses free of charge – therefore, what would cost between R$200 and R$3,000 is free..


The risk of a pandemic of this magnitude had already been warned by experts for years. The abuses imposed in treating animals have already been clearly proven to be responsible for harm to ourselves, as in the cases of swine flu, avian flu and Ebola – to name just a few. ARCA Brasil joined 70 non-governmental organizations from around the world in the “Animal’s Manifesto” demanding that animal welfare be considered in recovery and global financing policies after COVID19.
In this manifesto, we call on world leaders, international institutions, political parties and all interested parties to urgently review efforts and investments in response to COVID-19, given the glaring need for transformative change that includes humankind’s exploitation of animals


The association ACC (Animal Care Centers or Animal Care Centers) in New York received a $100,000 award from the company Petco for its innovative project called Digital Shelter (Digital Shelter).

It is an innovation in the process of choosing and adopting animals. With the money received, the institution will install screens throughout the city where it will be possible to see which animals are available, as well as discover volunteer opportunities. Thus, all citizens, regardless of location, can access the app and perhaps adopt a new friend.


Quando falamos em abrigos de animais, nem sempre a primeira imagem que pensamos é um lugar agradável. Visando mudar essa mentalidade e criar um local sustentável, a instituição sem fins lucrativos Dallas Pets Alive (USA) criou o conceito de um abrigo feito com contêineres de carga.

Esse tipo de construção tem sido tendência da arquitetura, já que reutiliza contêineres que estavam parados. Além disso, uma vez que o abrigo for um sucesso, é possível aumentar o espaço construído, adquirindo mais contêineres.

O projeto conta com espaço para que futuros donos e animais se socializem, além de abrigar consultórios para rápidos checkups e vacinação, estacionamento e outros espaços para maior conforto dos visitantes. O objetivo é ter uma construção que atraia pessoas por suas características divertidas e possa receber centenas de animais. O centro de adoção deve ser inaugurado em 2020.


Animal shelters have day-to-day problems when baby cats lose their mother. If this happens, it is necessary to breastfeed them in a very specific way: at the right temperature, on a complex and extensive schedule. As there are not always employees to perform this service, around 40% of puppies end up dying.

Seeking to solve the problem, the institution Brandywine Valley SPCA, from Washington (USA), created a product called Mama in a Box, that is, a box that reproduces the breastfeeding environment that the mother offers in order to feed the babies. easier.


The organization Greenville County Animal Care (USA) works by saving and offering animals for adoption. With a team made up entirely of volunteers, training them is not always easy. To give you an idea, there are more than 60 employees and 100 active volunteers, who rescued more than 10,000 animals in 2017 alone. The institution’s innovative project intends to launch a platform at the state and national level with videos that teach rescue and care techniques, in addition to demonstrating current team members in action. Thus, it is possible to transfer knowledge to new volunteers and train them quickly.